Eiger Matte Box True Color VND CPL Filter

Regular price $299.99 USD

Eiger Matte Box True Color VND CPL Filter – A versatile 2-in-1 solution with smooth rotation, True Color tech, and seamless exposure control for dynamic shoots.

Eiger Matte Box True Color VND CPL Filter
$299.99 USD
VND 1-5/6-9/CPL
  • Why VND? VND filters offer convenience and versatility in situations where the lighting conditions are changing rapidly. With a VND filter, you can achieve the desired exposure quickly without changing filters constantly. This can be particularly beneficial in dynamic shooting scenarios, such as outdoor photography or videography, where lighting conditions can vary rapidly.
  • Flexible Use: When used alone, it acts as a polarizing filter. Combined with a 6-9 filter, it transforms into a Variable ND filter. You can effortlessly and smoothly adjust its rotation with a manual turner.
  • True Color Technology: Freewell's TRUE COLOR coating process ensures the minor color shift among any other VND on the market.